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🎻 Violin and Viola

First Year Pieices

There are many useful pieces for beginners available on the violinandviola web site free music pages and these can be identified by their green titles. It is wise to consider the age of the beginner - a three or four year old may well not use any written material in the first year learning instead by a combination of ear, imitation and rote whilst a ten or eleven year old will probably start learning to read music from the beginning.

If young players are using some sort of written notation it is often very helpful for the originals to be enlarged on a photocopier. CD downloads are also now available on some free sites and provide accompaniments for the young players to work with. Do make sure that young players do not try to play pieces too quickly too often.

Older beginners often enjoy the challenge and musical rewards of playing rounds and duets from an early stage even if one part consists completely of open strings and again CDs are becoming more and more available so they can be practised alone.

A trip to a music shop will provide you with a big choice of tutors and books of pieces for the beginner to play.

We suggest that if possible you consult with the teacher before buying so that you can be sure of finding a book which is suitable and which the teacher likes using. If buying without advice books by Sheila M. Nelson can always be recommended and if it is a specialist violin shop the sales advisors will be pleased to help.